
一切般若智,皆從自性而生,不從外入,莫錯用意 (這句忘了)

自悟修行,不在於諍;若諍先後,即同迷人。不斷勝負,卻增我 法,不離四相*。

道須通流,何以卻滯?心不住法,道即通流;心若住法,名為自 縛。(記得這兩句,哈哈)

 羊鹿牛權設,初中後善揚。誰知火宅內,元是法中王。(這句 記錯)

心迷法華轉,心悟轉法華。誦經久不明,與義作讎家。(其實想 分享的是這一句)



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Be an unrequested helper

Someone once asked me if it’s difficult to be a volunteer. It seems like only students have the luxury of time to be involved in volunteer work. It could be a student club focus on community service, helping out at the local temple or church the family frequently visits, or working as a volunteer at hospital. Once we leave the fantastic college life behind and become working professionals, “volunteer” become an unfamiliar word that sound so distant because we don’t seem to have the time or energy anymore after a week of hard work. One would assume that our life turn towards the career path and focus on work, meetings, and commute. Should we still perform a service willingly without pay?

Most people think that they are too busy to be of service. In spite of our often hectic schedule, I believe we can still be a volunteer. We just need to be an unrequested helper.

What is an unrequested helper? As our Venerable Master Hsing Yun said: “People usually wait for others’ requests or invitation before offering their help, but a truly compassionate and generous person will automatically step forward and offer a helping hand when seeing others in need.” Being an unrequested helper does not necessarily require a lot of time or effort. It could be as simple as holding an elevator door, pouring the tea for someone sits next to you, or give up the seat for elderly. From these small actions, our compassion grows as we help others each day.

Nevertheless, compassion alone sometimes is not enough. Without wisdom, our unrequested help could bring negative results. Accountants should not eagerly offer advice on tax evasion as it harms nation’s economy; teachers should not help students to cheat or skip school because it does not lead them towards the correct path. How do we determine if our unrequested help follows morality?

Is our action wholesome? When we provide unrequested help, does it lead to wholesome results? We should be of service to others, but we do not assist in someone’s wrong doing. Our action should alleviate other’s suffering, not to cause more pain.

Did our speech affect others in a negative way? Did our words bring joy and hope to others? A few sentences can bring smile to someone and brighten up their day, but it can also diminish their courage and indirectly result in their failure. We want to guard our speech carefully to bring positive impact on others.

Did we have a kind and compassionate heart? Or did we provide assistance with questionable intention? Only wholesome intention can lead to good outcome. Since we want to be a volunteer, we should always be of service and practice the three good manners: do good deeds, say kind words, have a compassionate heart.

It is said that a Bodhisattva is a volunteer for sentient beings, while a volunteer is a bodhisattva for the world. Being an unrequested helper is the first step towards Bodhisattva path. I hope everyone in NYYAD can be an outstanding volunteer, starting by helping your fellow members in YAD. The 2010 Children’s Summer Camp is around the corner. There are a lot of preparations need to be completed. With everyone’s unique talent and experience, I am confident we will finish the preparation in time. Yet, sometimes a few things might slip out of crack or fall behind because we might be too busy with our regular work and academic assignments. If each of us can be an unrequested helper and assist our friends, I believe we can make operations more smooth and deliver a memorable summer camp experience.

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為接引青年朋友認識佛教、提昇團員佛學素養,佛光山紐約青 年團舉辦為期三天兩夜的青年學佛營,名為 “Workshop on Humanistic Buddhism”,於三月二十七至二十八日在佛光山鹿野苑舉行,特別邀請覺瑋法師授課,共計二十餘名學員 報名參加,其中包括來自紐約理工大學、紐約州立大學石溪分校 的學生及社青。

此次學佛營以輕鬆活潑的方式,輔以極具巧思的趣味遊戲,帶領學員認識人間佛教的真諦,只見各組推派出的代表一下一 下地拍著皮球,大家緊張地計數,不時為組員加油打氣,當 遊戲結束後訪問各人心情時,從彼此分享中發現其實皮球沒 有那麼容易控制,越是想讓它維持在定點,手上便不自覺地 加重力量意圖操控,往往就是在這個時候彈出自己掌控,與 一個人的日常生活相似,越是想追求穩定不變的幸福,越容 易患得患失。遊戲最後的玩家照名次依序抽籤,再按籤號閱 讀《迷悟之間》與《星雲禪話》的文章小品,經過一番熱烈 討論後,師父指出即使遊戲第一名可以先抽籤,籤上也可能 寫第二號,選到的文章也有可能是最難進行討論的,我們是否不 應太執著於眼前的勝負呢?

結營前學員們熱烈地分享心得,將兩天所學以短劇形態表演, 除了非常感謝主辦單位的安排與課程內容的用心,亦紛紛詢 問未來何時有類似的學佛營或禪修營,大家相約下回鹿野苑再見。

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Update: 9/2/2010 找到了:)
Platform Sutra

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What is 8 precepts retreat?
by Frank Yao

Many practitioners are eager to practice diligently and improve their conduct. They wish to cultivate a pure mind and live a life of detachment. However, they do not have the chance or proper condition to become monastic. 8 precepts retreat is a special retreat that was devised to let ordinary lay practitioners to experience such life. Throughout the retreat, the participants will observe the 8 precepts to refrain themselves from conducting behavior that might lead to unwholesome deeds. The 8 precepts are as following:

1.To refrain from destroying living creatures.
2.To refrain from taking that which is not given.
3.To refrain from sexual activity.
4.To refrain from false and incorrect speech.
5.To refrain from intoxicating drinks and drugs.
6.To refrain from eating after midday
7.To refrain from sensual entertainment and use of bodily adornments.
8.To refrain from using a high or luxurious bed.

The first five are derived from the five precepts, with minor change on third percept. In short, to refrain from killing will develop our compassion towards sentient beings. To refrain from stealing not only prevent us from conducting bad deed, but also teach us to respect other’s property. Since we want to experience the life of monastic, participants will refrain from sexual activity. To refrain from false speech is to respect one’s dignity and be true. Be true to elf and others. Intoxicating drinks and drugs often clouds our judgment and lead to unwholesome behavior. Since we want to cultivate wisdom, such substance should be avoided.

In Buddhism, we treat dinner as a medicine to heal our body and we often practice mindfulness during each meal. Normally, a non-practitioner has desire towards excessive food and craves for delicacy. To refrain from eating after midday during 8 precepts retreat will help us detach from such desire and focus on our practice. Thus, we can turn our attention to cultivating morality, mindfulness, and wisdom. It helps our mind to distinguish real hunger from craving for delicious sweets or snacks. To refrain from sensual entertainment and use of bodily adornments will avoid us to be indulged into useless things. It reminds us to reflect on ourselves as we should equip ourselves with merits and virtues instead of using cosmetics or bodily ornament. To refrain from using a high or luxurious bed is a reminder that we want to dedicate this day to diligent practice. As high and luxurious bed sometimes provide too much comfort and lead us into a path of indolent life, we want to be aware of such comfort for the duration of retreat.

Observing these 8 precepts for one whole day will develop a right and virtuous conduct. It will train our mind to be more aware of things, to be less indulging into bad or useless things. I hope after understanding the purpose behind these precepts, everyone can set aside one day and participate.

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This year marks an important year for New York YAD as we face many changes. We elected new president and our two new vice presidents. We have a new line up of capable executives. Many new activity ideas were brought up. No doubt we will be very busy planning and preparing for the upcoming activities. While we try to adjust to those changes and balance our hectic schedule with YAD function, I want to remind everyone that we should always remember our inspiration.

What was your inspiration? What made you join the YAD? It could be a person you look up to; a quote you read from our master’s book; a brief dialog you heard from lecture; or a moment of realization you experienced during an event. Each of us join YAD with different reason, but our inspiration is what motivates us and keep us going. There may come a time when you question the result of your effort. You might find yourself busy juggling between school, work, and activities. You almost gave up because it felt so tiring to finish that extra mile. During those dire times, I find it most helpful to contemplate on my inspiration. It reminds me of the goal I set when I had that inspiring moment. It made all the trouble worthwhile because I know that I am one step closer towards the objective.

The spirit of a Bodhisattva must be combined with the energy of a youthful heart in order to spread Buddhism widely. If we always remember our inspiration, we will be able to generate the strength to help us face difficulty. The Youth Buddhism Retreat is coming up around end of March. The 2010 Children’s Summer Camp is also around the corner and set to start at end of June. With our new found energy, I believe we will finish the preparation on time and make these events successful.

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師父接著又說:「Don’t walk in vain」。當時雙腿疼痛的我,正一拐一拐地試著追上前面的師兄,不知為何錯聽成「Don’t walk in pain」,心想:「奇怪,才沒走幾步怎麼會痛呢?」繞了禪堂一圈,似有所悟:這痛並不是腳腿的疼痛麻苦,而是發現人生空走後的心痛。諸法因緣生,禪定亦是需要因緣和合。為了勿空走而心痛,也是需要新的因緣來改變,這次的禪七能否成為一個增上緣,幫助自己成長,讓生命不再空轉呢?




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師父接著又說:「Don’t walk in vain」。當時雙腿疼痛的我,正一拐一拐地試著追上前面的師兄,不知為何錯聽成「Don’t walk in pain」,心想:「奇怪,才沒走幾步怎麼會痛呢?」繞了禪堂一圈,似有所悟:這痛並不是腳腿的疼痛麻苦,而是發現人生空走後的心痛。




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