目前分類:Movie&TV (2)

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So I was extremely bored on Wednesday 8/19. Therefore I decided to go to Movie Theater and watch some movie. Unfortunately Star Trek was no longer showing and I wasn’t in the usual mood for some horror. Out of boredom I picked to watch G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.

No, I am not a true G.I. Joe fan. I mean, I heard of it. There used to be a cartoon show in Taiwan about G.I. Joe. And I’ve seen their toy franchise in the toy store from time to time. They also have pretty big advertisement whenever a new line of toy came out. But that’s all I know about the franchise. Heck, I didn’t even know which Ninja is the bad guy. (I kept thinking the ninja dress with black robe is the bad guy.)

So enough about me! This movie is about G.I. Joe and some action. Yes the plot isn’t that great. In fact I’d even go to the point and say the plot of movie is horrible. There are many scenes where the character has memory flash back which provides their background story. However, the transition is very poor. There should be a better way to link their past to their present, yet this movie used the cheapest way to show audience why he became evil, why she got heartbroken, what’s the deal with those two…etc.

Another bad part about this movie is the Baroness. I always enjoy a movie where there’s an evil women. I said evil, but not bitchy. There’s a difference. If you recall the 007 movie “The World if Not Enough”, the main villain in the movie turned out to be working for Elektra King, which was portrayed by Sophie Marceau. Now one must admit that you NEVER saw that coming. And that’s the best part I like about that movie. Nowadays villains are all male who want world domination. How many movies you saw is about a smart, beautiful, and powerful women want to control the world? The Baroness in G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra showed promise at the beginning of the movie. She kick ass, she has the brain, and she toy with man like they’re her little puppets. It looks like she’s getting closer to her goal. I wouldn’t be surprised if she backstabs the Cobra commander dude and that pompous French arms dealer. Then she turned out to be the real mastermind behind the whole scheme. That’d be cool! Unfortunately, the movie took the traditional approach and killed my anticipation. It turned out the Baroness was being controlled by nano-robot and her actions were against her free will. BOOOOOooooo~

In short, if you’re a fan of G.I. Joe, or if you just want to enjoy a movie with lots of action, go for it. You will definitely see a lot of high tech gadget, explosion, and some kungfu fighting.

GI Joe Baroness

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最近剛看完電視劇《醫龍》,英文翻譯成非常饒 舌有趣的Team Medical Dragon,當然個人還是喜歡日文發音的 "Iryu"。這原本是由永井明原作、吉沼美恵醫療監修、乃木坂太郎作畫,以醫療為題材的日本青年漫畫,富士電視台2006年4月13日到2006年6月 29日播出為數十一集,當時已有耳聞部份朋友的評價,終於在一年多後藉網路的便利觀賞,不由得感謝網友熱心的加註標題,否則不懂日文的我也是鴉子聽雷,有 看沒有懂。

相較於平常按時收看的House M.D.,《醫龍》探討日本醫療系統的陰暗面,藉由主角朝田龍太郎,一個外科天才醫生的熱血作風,引起對劇中大學附屬醫院體制的反思,例如人事關係、教授彼此的權力鬥爭、各部門間的角力等等。

此劇有許多溫馨感人的時刻,為完成BATISTA (左心室縮小形成術)所組成的 Team Dragon 成員,每位都有獨立的故事,尤其伊集院登這位實習醫生,從無力面對黑暗的醫療系統,獨自與昏迷症患者頃訴,一路跟隨朝田龍太郎,不僅技術上獲得許多經驗與 成長,也從一位膽小慌亂的實習生蛻變為有所堅持的醫師。


5.即使起搏器 (pacemaker)證明有機械設計上的缺陷,為維護教授名譽,仍繼續使用


醫龍 廣告

醫龍2 廣告

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