
This year marks an important year for New York YAD as we face many changes. We elected new president and our two new vice presidents. We have a new line up of capable executives. Many new activity ideas were brought up. No doubt we will be very busy planning and preparing for the upcoming activities. While we try to adjust to those changes and balance our hectic schedule with YAD function, I want to remind everyone that we should always remember our inspiration.

What was your inspiration? What made you join the YAD? It could be a person you look up to; a quote you read from our master’s book; a brief dialog you heard from lecture; or a moment of realization you experienced during an event. Each of us join YAD with different reason, but our inspiration is what motivates us and keep us going. There may come a time when you question the result of your effort. You might find yourself busy juggling between school, work, and activities. You almost gave up because it felt so tiring to finish that extra mile. During those dire times, I find it most helpful to contemplate on my inspiration. It reminds me of the goal I set when I had that inspiring moment. It made all the trouble worthwhile because I know that I am one step closer towards the objective.

The spirit of a Bodhisattva must be combined with the energy of a youthful heart in order to spread Buddhism widely. If we always remember our inspiration, we will be able to generate the strength to help us face difficulty. The Youth Buddhism Retreat is coming up around end of March. The 2010 Children’s Summer Camp is also around the corner and set to start at end of June. With our new found energy, I believe we will finish the preparation on time and make these events successful.


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